- A seat marked with Register number will allotted to each candidate. Candidates are required to find out and occupy their allotted seats at least 5 minutes before the commencement of the examinations. In no case a candidate shall be allowed to occupy a seat other than the one allotted to him/her.
- No candidate, who is late by more than 30 minutes shall be permitted to write the examinations.
- No candidate shall be allowed to leave the examination hall before the expiry of 1 hour after the commencement of the examination and no candidate who leaves the examination hall during the period allotted for the paper will be allowed to re-enter the hall within the period allotted for the particular paper.
- Candidates who are undoubtedly suffering from infectious diseases of any kind shall not be admitted inside the examination hall.
- Candidates are strictly prohibited from smoking inside the examination hall
- Strict silence should be maintained in the examination hall.
- Candidates are required to bring their own pens, pencils, erasers and ink. candidates should use only blue or black ink while answering their papers.
- Before proceeding to answer, the paper, the candidate should write his/her register number and subject of the examination and date of the examination at the appropriate space provided in the main book and nowhere else in the main book or additional sheets.
- If a candidate writes his/her register number on any part of the answer book/sheets on any space other than provided for the purpose or puts any special mark or writes anything which may disclose in any way the identity of the candidate he/she shall be liable to disciplinary action.
10. Writing of wrong register number in the answer script will entail rejection of the answer script. - Candidates are not allowed to exceed the prescribed time assigned to each paper.
- They shall not talk/ask questions of any kind during examinations.
- They shall not take any written or printed matter or any paper material into the examination hall and if found in possession of any such material in the examination hall during the examination hours, those candidates shall be liable for disciplinary action.
- No candidate shall pass any part or whole of his answer papers to any other candidates, nor can he/she allow another candidate to copy from his/her answer script; nor copy from the answer script of the another candidate. If found committing such practice the involved candidates shall be liable for disciplinary action.
- A candidate found guilty of using unfair means of any nature shall be liable for disciplinary action as stipulated by the University.
16. Candidates will have to return the answer books to the Invigilator/Chief Superintendent before leaving the examination hall. - The candidates should produce the hall ticket on demand by the Invigilator/Chief Superintendent.
The students will have to take both internal as well as external examinations. The external examination will be conducted by the M.G. University at the end of each semester, according to the course structure. The internal examination will be conducted by the concerned course teacher. The teacher will administer sufficient number of tests in the particular paper and the marks secured by the students will br taken as the internal mark for the particular paper.